Cases For Churches
Posted on 29 May 2013
We work with a lot of churches and organizations for casing and transport needs. Below are a few photos of some common cases we've built. If you have questions feel free to contact us! We have full 3D CAD design so you can see it before we build it.
Mixer & rack cases. We build a ton of these. Great for mobile churches or systems that you need to move the mixer in and out - or just to have everything set permanently in a lockable, secure setting. We do doghouses, power inlets, audio connections, etc. We make shock-mounted and standard rack cases as well.
Guitar and Recording Workstations. If you have guitarists that change strings or setup their guitars, it's nice to have everything in drawers and organized. A lot of churches will have mobile recording cases to take to camps, live events, etc. We also do "tracking cases" for musicians to have a computer to run click, samples, audio interfaces, racks, etc.
Guitars, amps, basses, keyboards, etc. These types of cases are primarily what we do. Housing amps, instruments, multi-guitar storage, etc.
PA Storage and Transport. Whether you're a mobile church or not, having everything in a case that can store your equipment or lock tools and items up between events is definitely worth having! Trunks, drawer/shelf cases, moving light cases, projector cases, etc.
Video and Technology Solutions. A lot of mobile churches want to display lyrics and they will choose our screen lift cases. These typically are built where you just plug power in, undo two latches and the screen raises up by remote on a motorized lift - we often build in computers, apple tv's, HDMI ports, etc. We do screen and computer storage cases and have an array of different solutions for your displays.
If you have any needs at all let us know and we can design it for you. Thanks!